As Daughters of the Most Holy Trinity, we chose the Trinity as the model of our ministry .

The life of the Trinity is that of selfless sharing as the Three persons of the one God have demonstrated in the salvation history of humanity. God the Father shared His only begotten son with humanity.

God the Son became a human being in order to share in our human life to the extent of giving Himself up to death for our sakes. The Holy spirit dwells among us and shares the heavenly gifts with us .

Similarly we the FST Sisters ,imitating the Trinitarian life share our gifts and talents with

the poor through various ministries. So with open hearts, we use our gifts in the service of others

in such ministries as teachers, Secretariats, nurses, social workers, accountants, pastoral workers, psychologist,

economist, administration, computer scientists etc.

Presently, our ministries are in Ashanti, Bono, Central, Western etc.