Yabi, a village located in the Atwima Kwanwoma District, has been the location of our novitiate since its inception. Regrettably, the village lacks essential healthcare facilities, a pressing need that has persisted for an extended period. From the first year that the entered the village, they have always transported sick villagers to the city for healthcare.
In light of this, the novitiate was relocated, and the existing structure has been transformed into a fully functional health center. After navigating numerous challenges and through the relentless dedication of the FST Sisters, we thankfully inaugurated the hospital in February 2023, to offer healthcare services to the community and beyond. The facility is named Archbishop Sarpong Medical Centre, after the founder of the FST Sisters.
Nevertheless, there is still more work to be done to ensure the facility’s completeness. We kindly seek your financial assistance to bring the FST Sisters’ vision to full fruition. The completion of the health facility is needed to create opportunity for people of Yabi as well as the over ten surrounding villages to have access to adequate healthcare to improve morbidity and reduce mortality especially maternal and child mortality. Your generous contributions will not only support this project but also contribute to other noble initiatives undertaken by the FST Sisters. You can make your donations using the following numbers:

[+233 20 734 7284 Vodafone Cash – FST Sisters; 0245530951 MOMO – Dora Adu-Gyamfi]

May the Most Holy Trinity shower your generosity with blessings. Amen.

There is more work to be done

we need your support to be able to accomplish this noble project for the glory of God.

Kindly come to our aid in any way that you can.

Nurses uncompleted rooms.

We know we can do it with you help .

We are counting on your support and prayers.

Washrooms under construction.

God richly bless you for accepting to help us.

Kindly support us through this Momo number (0538806479)

About the Author
