Fst Creche

FST Jubilee Crèche, was established in 2008/2009 academic year within the premises of Martyrs of Uganda Jubilee school to help admit pupils in KG one to feed the Martyrs Jubilee school. As time went on, the need raised to include admission of toddlers for nursery, whose parents are government workers such as teachers and nurses, to be able to go back to work after their maternity leave, and whose brothers and sisters are already admitted at the martyr’s jubilee school to be in the same place to save parents the trouble of traveling different directions to pick their wards from school.  

The idea of a crèche for the FST Institute was conceived when Sr. Theresa Arthur FST was appointed as the headteacher of Martyrs of Uganda Jubilee School. A Private School for the Archdiocese of Kumasi. In April 2004, she took over the headship from Sr. Grace Nuamah FST, who was to continue her education. Sr. Theresa was glancing through the school’s files one day, and she came across a letter written to the manus funding Agency in Germany, from the then Kumasi Diocese. This was a request in aid of an establishment of a school. It was to help children from five years (5yrs) of age up to JSS level all in two streams. This implies that the school was to start/begin from K.G 2. since five years
(5yrs) pupils are the K.G 2 pupils. To confirm her perception, she took the building Plan which was actually accompanied by the letter of request to the Agency. She discovered that the building plan was just as they had requested in the letter. There were fourteen (14) Classrooms for the primary side, and six classrooms for the JSS.
Unfortunately for the diocese, only one stream fund was given them, by the Agency. There were
seven classrooms and a big staff common room. But then the pioneers were only in primary four (4)
when Sr. Theresa Arthur took over. Although the pioneers were in primary four,(4) all the seven
classrooms were occupied with pupils of three (3) and four(4) years. This was because the former
head Sr. Grace Nuamah had wanted more funds to run the school. So she thought it wise of using the
vacant rooms profitably, meaning the school was having Nursery (3yrs), kindergarten two five (5)
years. Primary 1, 2,3,&4. When they came to P.5. The staff was only a few. This became a tug of war
in the mind of Sr. Theresa Arthur as to what to do with the Nursery and the KG 1 pupils when the
pioneers were in primary six (6). She went to the then financial Administrator Rev. Fr. Emmanuel
Tabi at the Development office. With his help, two letters were written to two funding agencies, one
to Rome and the other one back to Manus in Germany. Unfortunately, both failed. When these failed
Sr. Theresa thought of giving up admitting the Nursery and the Kindergarten one (KG1) class. But
then on second thought, the idea of asking the FST Institute to establish the KG 1 & Nursery class to
feed the Martyrs of Uganda Jubilee School came up. She unfolded the situation to the School
Managing Board. They agreed to the idea of allowing the FST Institute to put up the structures for
those kids to feed the Martyrs of Uganda Jubilee School. Therefore Sr. Theresa informed the then
Superior General, Sr Lucy Olivia Nkansah FST. She Welcomed the idea wholeheartedly since the
school managing Board was aware that, Martyrs has no provision for the three & four-year kids.
Sr. Lucy then requested the diocese for the approval of this important project.
Her request to the Local Ordinary, the then Kumasi Bishop Ret. Rev. Peter Akwasi Sarpong was
approved. Eventually, three classroom blocks were constructed under Sister Francis Emily Owusu
Ansah FST administration. The school then commenced in September 2008 -2009 academic year,
with the name being FST Jubilee Crèche, when the congregation was celebrating their Silver Jubilee.
This was under the supervision of Sr. Cecilia Salifu FST who was the headteacher of Martyrs of
Uganda Jubilee School.
Sr. Theresa Arthur FST upon arriving from the UK for her one-year cause was appointed the first headteacher for the crèche. And Sr. Mary also took over from Sr. Theresa Arthur from 2010-2014
September. At that time we had three (3) classrooms for Nursery 1, Nursery 2, and K.G 1. Each class
had a teacher and attendant, Sr. Mary used part of Nursery 1 classroom as her office and also
managing the school canteen in addition. There was a need for another classroom block and a
proper office for the Headteacher and accountant because that building stands at risk of floods, and
the accountant’s office was the veranda in front of the building. With Sr. Eugenia Ampofo as the
development officer at that time, we were able to build a new classroom block containing three (3)
big classrooms, a complete office for the head, 2 offices for the accountant and the secretary one storeroom and washrooms for the kids and the staff. In completion of the new block, they moved from
the old building to occupy the new block. At that time pupils’ population has increased, so
nursery 2 occupied the classroom and the other 2 were occupied by KG1A and KG1B, while the
complete office was given to nursery 1 because that has its own washroom and a storeroom.
Accountant had his office and Sr. Mary occupied the supposed office for secretary. Work then began
for the renovation and completion of the old block and a playing ground. The old block was to have
additional three (3) classrooms on top of it with a staff common room and washrooms, and then a
library attached to the down floor. An account was opened at the prudential bank for the crèche and
canteen, and the staff had their personal accounts as well, so they received their salaries through
the bank.
On September 2014, Sr. Mary Akuoko handed over the administration to Sr. Georgia Adarkwa
Yiadom. Then Sr. Georgia Adarkwa Yiadom handed over to Sr. Christiana Nkrumah and Sr. Augustina
Aniakwaah Bonsu. Sr. Christiana Nkrumah been the Headteacher handed over to Sr. Augustina
Aniakwaah Bonsu who was then the assistant and Sr. Patricia Akoto. After that, they went to school
and handed it over to Sr. Cecilia Boateng and Sr. Esther Amoah. After that, they handed it over to Sr.
Christiana Nkrumah again for a term then from January 2020 Sr. Lydia Achiamaa took over from Sr.
Christiana Nkrumah and is now the current Headteacher of the FST JUBILEE CHERCHE.
The F.S.T Jubilee Crèche, is a catholic mission school, that each child who passes through the gate of
the school is given a solid foundation of learning has a sense of self-confidence and self–belief. It is
renowned for its traditional academic discipline balance with a personalized teaching approach that
encourages creative and reflective thinking. With an enrolment of 314 pupils, from F.S.T Jubilee
crèche, our focus is to recognize every child as individual and offer the opportunities to discover and
explore their full potential as a whole.
From here, they will continue to Martyrs of Uganda Jubilee School (MUJS) and eventually to Martyrs
of Uganda JHS.
Sr. Lydia Achiamaa, FST.

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